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The Italian company having this name stands out  thanks to the selection of concepts where archetypical simplicity, Italian high-quality handcrafted products and an accurate selection of light sources blend together.

The playful imagination which feeds Phanes lighting projects is balanced by the manufacturing precision of experienced Italian artisans’ hands.

the lightness of light

Levitas is a collection of blown glass suspension and table lamps.

The appliances consist of a LED light source and its related heat sink. Light is scattered by a first white blown glass which is fixed in a second bigger transparent glass which contains it.

lighting archetypes


“Atra favilla volat glomerataque corpus in unum densetur faciemque capit sumitque calorem atque animam ex igni; levitas sua praebuit alas.”

— Metamorfosi Ovidio, Book XIII verses 604, 606

the poetry
of blowing glass


With the heat of the furnace, the glass mass melts in a crucible. Once the proper consistency is achieved, the incandescent glass is collected around the top of a rod and it starts to be modelled using various iron and wood tools that prepare it for the real blow.

When the "bolus" is ready, it is inserted into a mould and it's ready to be blown. During blowing, the barrel is turned continuously to keep the glass surface perfectly smooth. Once the glass has taken shape, you can open the mold and extract the piece. The hot glass still attached to the barrel is allowed to cool very gradually to avoid tension and breakage.

Ultimately, the glass is carefully checked, and if there are no defects, it is cut and polished.


discover the levitas collection


levitas suspension

levitas table